We review our childcare fees annually and they are updated in line with the financial year. Every effort is made to keep fees to a minimum. Details of current fees can be found in Blacktown City Council’s Goods and services pricing schedule, available at
3.1. Upon an enrolment, a $250.00 non-refundable enrolment fee is charged per family.
3.2. Parent 1 is responsible for payment of all child care fees.
3.3. Fees must be paid and maintained in the current week of care. Where fees must are paid fortnightly or monthly, fees must be paid in advance.
3.4. Fees are payable for every day the child is booked into care, including days the child is not able to attend due to sickness or holidays.
3.5. Fees are not payable for NSW public holidays or when the centre is closed. Long day care, OSHC services and Preschool services usually close for a period of 3-4 weeks during the Christmas period (depending on Council approval).
3.6. Late fees apply and are charged to your account for late collection of any child after the closing hours of the selected session of care, regardless of circumstances. Continual lateness in collection of child could result in their position(s) being withdrawn.
3.7. Direct Debit is the preferred method of payment, alternate payment options are Bpay and POST Billpay. A receipt for may be required as evidence of payment for Bpay and POST Billpay payments due to processing times. No cash payments are accepted by Kids' Early Learning.
3.8. Your child’s position may be withdrawn due to non-payment of fees.
3.8.1. An SMS will be issued for overdue accounts. You may also be contacted via phone or email by the Customer Service Team to dis
cuss your account.
to pay will result in the position being withdrawn and any bond held used to pay the outstanding account.
Vacation care:
3.9.1.An additional fee is charged for all vacation care excursions on top of the standard vacation care daily fee.
3.9.2.Vacation Care bookings are made in the Hubhello parent app 'BookMe' and full payment via credit card is required at the time of booking.
3.9.3.Once booked, Vacation Care days cannot be cancelled, all bookings are final. Absent days will not be refunded or bookings amended.
3.9.4.Absences that occur at the beginning or end of an enrolment or Vacation Care period may incur full fee charges as Child Care Subsidy may not be paid for these absences.
3.10 OSHC care:
Before and After School Care sessions:
3.10.1 Bookings can be made by the parent via Book Me up to 48 hours before the session start time.
3.10.2 Cancellations: Bookings cancelled with more than 48 hours’ notice before the session start time will not be charged.o Bookings cancelled within 48 hours of the session start time will be charged at the full rates.
3.10.3 No Show: Occurs when the child does not arrive for the booked session. Charged at the full fee.
3.10.4 Casual Emergency Care: Defined as bookings made within 48 hours of the session start time.
3.10.5 Cancellations: Casual emergency care bookings cannot be cancelled.
3.10.6 No Show: Occurs when the child does not arrive for the booked session.o Charged at the full fee