Kids' Early Learning Blacktown City - Please complete the following in its entirety to confirm your enrolment. A parent or legal guardian, who is listed as parent 1 in the child's enrolment record, must complete this form.

Privacy notice

We are collecting this information to process your enrolment request. We may not be able to do so without it. Supplying this information is governed by the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW).

We will store your personal information on our systems or in our office, where it will be used by our staff, contractors, Department of Education and Communities and Department of Human Services. Other people can request access to it under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. You can ask us to suppress your personal information from a public register and we will consider your request in line with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Our Privacy Management Plan sets out how you can access or correct your personal information. Please visit www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au for a copy of the plan.


BCC or Council Blacktown City Council and/or its servants or agents operating the childcare service.

KEL Kids’ Early Learning

CCS Child Care Subsidy

Parent The person signing this Agreement whether it be the natural parent, Court appointed Guardian, Foster Parent or the Department of Family and Community Services.

Service The child care service referred to above.

Hubworks The accounting system we use for billing and attendance.

Parent agreement details

Parent 1

Child Details

Parents 1 Details

Parent 1

Conditions of enrolment

1. Parent Resources

Parents will be contacted regularly with important information regarding their child's enrolment via the StoryPark Families app, HubHello Families app,  email and text message. It's a parent's responsibility to acknowledge and action any requests within these communications. 

  • The HubHello Families app   gives you access to your account information and the ability to update your profile details.

  • The Storypark Families app is designed to help you record and share your child’s milestones and activities.

  • Our service has developed a variety of practical and useful information sheets and resources which can be found on our Website and Parent Resources page

2. Priority of access

2.1. The Australian Government stipulates the order children must be offered positions and accepted into childcare centres when there is a vacancy. We must follow the ‘priority of access’ guidelines to receive government funding to help support fee payments.

2.2. The priority of access for centre-based care and outside school hour’s care is:
1. 1st priority must be given to any child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
2. 2nd priority is given to a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy the work, training, study test.
3. 3rd priority is any other child.

2.3. Under these guidelines, we may require a third priority child to vacate a place to make room for a child with a higher priority. We can only do this if we:
. Notified you on enrolment or through an update to our Enrolment Agreement that we follow these ‘priority of access’ guidelines.
Give you at least 14 days’ notice of the need for your child to vacate their position.

2.4. For more information on the Australian Government’s ‘Priority of Access’ guidelines, please see www.education.gov.au/priority-filling-child-care-places.

3. Fees and payments

We review our childcare fees annually and they are updated in line with the financial year. Every effort is made to keep fees to a minimum. Details of current fees can be found in Blacktown City Council’s Goods and services pricing schedule, available at www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au.

3.1. Upon an enrolment, a $250.00 non-refundable enrolment fee is charged per family.

3.2. Parent 1 is responsible for payment of all child care fees.

3.3. Fees must be paid and maintained in the current week of care. Where fees must are paid fortnightly or monthly, fees must be paid in advance.

3.4. Fees are payable for every day the child is booked into care, including days the child is not able to attend due to sickness or holidays.

3.5. Fees are not payable for NSW public holidays or when the centre is closed. Long day care, OSHC services and Preschool services usually close for a period of 3-4 weeks during the Christmas period (depending on Council approval).

3.6. Late fees apply and are charged to your account for late collection of any child after the closing hours of the selected session of care, regardless of circumstances. Continual lateness in collection of child could result in their position(s) being withdrawn.

3.7. Direct Debit is the preferred method of payment, alternate payment options are Bpay and POST Billpay. A receipt for may be required as evidence of payment for Bpay and POST Billpay payments due to processing times. No cash payments are accepted by Kids' Early Learning.

3.8. Your child’s position may be withdrawn due to non-payment of fees.

3.8.1. An SMS will be issued for overdue accounts. You may also be contacted via phone or email by the Customer Service Team to dis cuss your account. 

3.8.2.  Failure to pay will result in the position being withdrawn and any bond held used to pay the outstanding account.

3.9. Vacation care:

3.9.1.An additional fee is charged for all vacation care excursions on top of the standard vacation care daily fee.

3.9.2.Vacation Care bookings are made in the Hubhello parent app 'BookMe' and full payment via credit card is required at the time of booking.

3.9.3.Once booked, Vacation Care days cannot be cancelled, all bookings are final. Absent days will not be refunded or bookings amended.

3.9.4.Absences that occur at the beginning or end of an enrolment or Vacation Care period may incur full fee charges as Child Care Subsidy may not be paid for these absences.

3.10 OSHC care:

Before and After School Care sessions:

  Bookings can be made by the parent via Book Me up to 48 hours before the session start time.

3.10.2 Cancellations: Bookings cancelled with more than 48 hours’ notice before the session start time will not be charged.o Bookings cancelled within 48 hours of the session start time will be charged at the full rates.

3.10.3 No Show: Occurs when the child does not arrive for the booked session. Charged at the full fee.

3.10.4 Casual Emergency Care: Defined as bookings made within 48 hours of the session start time.

3.10.5 Cancellations: Casual emergency care bookings cannot be cancelled.

3.10.6 No Show: Occurs when the child does not arrive for the booked session.o Charged at the full fee

4. Child Care Subsidy

4.1. The Australian Government provides Child Care Subsidy through the Department of Human Services. Kids' Early Learning Long Day Care, Before and After School Care and Vacation Care services are approved Child Care Subsidy services for eligible families. 

4.2.   The parent is responsible for applying for Child Care Subsidy with Services Australia and maintaining accurate records at all times.

4.3.  If you are eligible for Child Care Subsidy, it assists with costs of child care and Services Australia pays the subsidy to your child care provider to reduce the fees you pay. For information on eligibility and registration requirements, please visit the Department of Human Services website: www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/subjects/assistance-child-care-fees

4.4. On enrolment, the Parent must provide the Service with their Customer Reference Number (CRN) and the child’s Customer Reference Number (CRN) and ensure that the parent claiming Child Care Subsidy is listed as parent 1 on the enrolment form.

4.5.  Enrolling parents are responsible for confirming the enrolment details in their myGov account to enable Child Care Subsidy to be paid for eligible attendances. If the enrolment remains unconfirmed, full fees will be charged.

4.6. If a 3rd party funding body is involved with the family, a separate “Arrangement with an organisation (third party)” enrolment must be made with the 3rd party funding body. CCS is not eligible under this enrolment type. Full fees must be paid by the organisation.

4.7. Preschool services are not eligible to receive the Child Care Subsidy; instead they are able to claim Start Strong Funding. For information on eligibility, please visit the NSW Government website on: https://education.nsw.gov.au/early-childhood-education/operatingan- early-childhood-education-service/grants-and-funded-programs/start-strong

5. Collection and authorised nominees contacts

5.1. The Parent must provide advice in writing of any authorised nominee that may collect their child. This may include persons nominated as authorised nominees, persons nominated on the Enrolment Form to collect the child or persons nominated to collect the child on specific occasions.

5.2. The Parent must provide the Service with the names, valid contact numbers addresses and date of birth of at least 2 authorised nominees who can collect the child in case of an emergency or illness.

5.3. If contacted by the Service Director or their delegate, the Parent must immediately arrange for a sick or injured child to be collected.

5.4. Authorised nominees should be over 18 years of age and must produce proof of identity.

5.5. Any court orders, parenting order or parent plans need to be discussed with the Service Director. Every effort will be made to ensure reasonable action is taken to prevent unauthorised persons having access to your child.

6. Absenteeism

6.1. The parent must continue to keep the account up to date at all times during the period of the absence.

6.2. If the child will not return (from illness or holidays) on the agreed return date, the Parent must notify the Service. Failure to do this may result in the child’s position being withdrawn and absence rules will apply. If the enrolment is withdrawn this may result in full fees being charge from the child's last physical day at the service.

6.3. Specific rules apply to absences under the Child Care Subsidy scheme:

6.3.1. Each child is permitted 42 days allowable absences without being required to provide documentation. The Child Care Subsidy is still paid on these days.

6.3.2. Once a child has used 42 absence days, the Child Care Subsidy will no longer be provided unless evidence is provided that meets the Services Australia additional reasons. If no documentation is provided, families will be required to pay full fees for each absence day.

6.3.3. Absences that occur at the beginning or end of an enrolment may incur full fee charges as Child Care Subsidy may not be paid for these absences.

7. Exclusion due to illness

7.1. The Parent must inform the Service if their child has contracted a contagious medical condition.

7.2. The Service may exclude any unimmunised child(ren) if there is an outbreak of any infectious disease or if a child is suffering a contagious medical condition.

7.3. In the event of illness or exclusion, fees will be charged for the period of exclusion.

8. Immunisation

8.1. The Parent must provide one or more of the following before enrolment:

  • Australian Immunisation Register Immunisation History Statement which shows that the child is up to date with their scheduled vaccinations

  • Australian Immunisation Register Immunisation History Form on which the immunisation provider has certified that the child is on a recognised catch-up schedule (temporary for 6 months only)

  • Australian Immunisation Register Immunisation Medical Exemption Form which has been certified by a medical practioner.

8.2. The Parent will ensure that the child continues to receive appropriate immunisation during attendance at the Service and will provide an updated Immunisation History Statement when required.

8.3. For more information on immunisation requirements for child care please visit the NSW Government Health website on: http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/pages/vaccination_enrolment.aspx

9. Medication

9.1. The Parent must complete an ‘Authority to administer medication form’ if the child is required to receive any prescription or non-prescription medication during attendance. A separate ‘authority’ must be provided for each period of medication.

9.2. All medications must be provided in their original packaging including the pharmaceutical label detailing the child’s name and required dosage.

9.3. Non-prescription medicines must be provided in their original packaging with written instructions from a medical practitioner for administration, this includes Panadol liquid (or equivalent paracetamol mixture).

9.4. Neither Council nor Service staff will be liable for any allergic reaction or injury caused to the child by the administration of the medication as set out in the Authority.

10. Medical conditions

10.1. The Parent must inform the Service of any medical condition suffered by their child and any treatment required.

10.2. The Parent must notify the Service of any restrictions concerning the medical treatment of the child, including inability to administer anaesthetic drugs or blood transfusion. This is in the rare case where a child may need emergency medical treatment.

10.3. The Parent will provide the Service with a copy of current ‘action plans’ for all medical conditions before the child begins attendance at the service.

10.4. The Parent will immediately report to the Service, any changes to their child’s medical conditions or treatment, or new developments in their medical history.

10.5. Medical plans need to be updated on an annual basis

11. Change of sessions, days, withdrawal or transfer

11.1. Written notice to be provided by way of a Change in days form or a Withdrawal from care form which is available by contacting the KEL Customer Service Team.

11.2. Two week's notice is required to drop days, change days or withdraw from care at the service. Additional days can be accommodated within the two week period if  there are vacancies at the service.

11.3. The Parent must provide 1 week’s written notice if transferring a child to another Kids Early Learning Service.

11.4. Advance fees and bonds held are transferable between Kids Early Learning services.

11.5. If a child does not attend the last week of care, Services Australia absence rules will be applied from their last physical day at the Service and full fees will apply.

12. Incident/Injury/Trauma/Emergency

12.1. The Parent authorises the Service Director (or their delegate) to administer medication and/or arrange transport by the ambulance service to, and treatment at, a hospital in the event of an incident, injury, trauma or emergency as recommended by any attending general practioner, ambulance officer, police or State Government officer.

12.2. The Parent will be responsible for any costs incurred as a result of transportation or treatment.

12.3. The Service will make every reasonable effort to contact the child’s parent throughout this process.

13. Notification of child abuse

13.1. All Kids' Early Learning staff are mandatory reporters and are obliged to report any known or suspected incidents of child abuse or mistreatment to the Department of Family and Community Services helpline.

13.2. All Kids' Early Learning staff will not be held accountable for any action the Department of Family and Community Services decides to take on the matter.

14. Court Action

14.1. If a child attending one of Services is the subject of any Court action, particularly custody or access issues being heard before the Family Law Court, Council will not allow Service staff to issue statements or provide reports regarding the child except where instructed to do so by the Court itself.

14.2. The Parent must provide the service with a copy of any court order, parenting order, parenting plan or AVO in respect to the child.

15. Confidentiality and privacy

15.1. The Parent acknowledges that information collected on the Enrolment Form may be provided to other Officers within Council and where required by legislation, to other State and Commonwealth Agencies and Departments.

16. Indemnity

16.1. The Parent will indemnify Council in relation to any damage wilfully caused by the child to Council or third party property whilst in attendance at the Service, subject to provisions of Education and Care Services National Regulations.

17. Photographs

17.1. A Parent must provide consent if they approve for their child to be photographed or videotaped at the service, and for that material to be used in any Council publications, displays and presentations at the service.

17.2. Photographs and videos will only be taken using cameras and other devices provided by Council.

17.3. Where Parents disagree over provision of consent it is deemed not to have been given.

17.4. To help ensure secure storage of photographs and videos and to minimise the risk of them being inadvertently removed from the centre, they will not be downloaded to personal devices.

17.5. No photographs or videos of children or centres may be taken or removed from the centre on personal equipment.

18. Notification of changes to personal details

18.1. A Parent is to notify Kids’ Early Learning Administration as soon as possible of any changes made to personal details of children and/or parents in HubWorks.

18.2. Council will not be liable for changes made by the Parent in HubWorks without appropriate follow up notification to Council.

18.3. The Parent is required to ensure that a valid contact phone number is provided at all times. The child will not be permitted to attend care following Council being aware of an invalid phone number.

19. Photography and Video Consent

Terms and conditions

I acknowledge that Blacktown City Council:

19.1. May include photos of me in my child’s portfolio or the portfolio of other children (where they are part of a group), in centre/service displays, in Storypark mobile application or in PowerPoint presentations available to all parents to see what the children have been doing during the day.

19.2. May make, use and retain the image(s) to record and/or promote its activities and functions, and for associated purposes such as television advertising, videos, brochures, forms, public relations displays, annual reports, press advertising, internal documents such as manuals, websites, social media, mobile application, certificates, strategic plans, posters and other promotional material.

19.3. May reproduce and publish the image(s) in any form, in whole or in part, and distribute, publish or broadcast the image(s) by any medium including the Internet, television, cinema, CD-ROM, USB or any other multimedia.

19.4. Will not pay me for giving this consent or for the use of the image(s).

19.5. May keep the image(s) on record until I revoke my consent.

19.6. Will return or destroy the image(s) if I withdraw this consent, except those already distributed, published or broadcast.

19.7. May use the image(s) in the future subject to any limitations on use specified on the previous page.

Consent and limitations on use

I have read the Terms and conditions listed above, and:


I release Blacktown City Council, its employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, or publication of photographs, slides, computer images, videotapes, or sound recordings.

I waive all rights I may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting, broadcasting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or film rental is charged. I also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or film taken by Blacktown City Council or the person or entity designated it by it.

21. Authorisations For Transportation


Authorisation for a child to be transported must be given by a parent or other person authorised by the parent and named in the child’s enrolment record as having authority to authorise transportation of a child. The authorisation must state the information listed below.

Regular transportation

Regular transportation, in relation to an education and care service, means the transportation by the service or arranged by the service (other than as part of an excursion) of a child being educated and cared for by the service, where the circumstances relevant to a risk assessment are substantially the same for each occasion on which the child is transported. [An example of a change in circumstances that are substantially different might be when the means of transport or the transportation route or destination(s) have altered or the provider of the transportation service has changed].

If the transportation is ‘regular transportation’, the authorisation is only required to be obtained once in a 12-month period.

You can find more information regarding the authorisations for transportation in the Safe transportation of children | Information sheet developed by The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority.

Information that must be included in an authorisation

Table 1:

Service location

Travel type

Anticipated number

Destination pick-up location

Blackett OSCH

Walking and Bus

Staff: 2
Children: 30
Bus Driver: 1

Blackett Public School, Shalvey Public School, Noumea Public School, Dawson Public School

Colyton OSHC


Staff: 2
Children: 30

Colyton Public School

Dean Park OSHC


Staff: 2
Children: 30

William Dean Public School

Marayong South OSCH

Walking and Bus

Staff: 2
Children: 23
Bus Driver: 1

Marayong South Public School, Blacktown West Public School, and St John Vianney Parish School

Marsden Park OSHC



Marsden Park Public School

Nirimba Fields OSHC



Nirimba Fields Public School

Quakers Hill OSHC


Staff: 2
Children: 30

Barnier Public School

Wilmott OSHC



Wilmott Public School

  1. The child’s name: As described in the child details section of this snapform above

  2. The reason the child is to be transported: Regular transportation is required to and from the school to the service or to and from the service to the school

  3. If the authorisation is for regular transportation, a description of when the child is to be transported: 8:30 am – 9:30 am from service to school and or 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm from school to service

  4. If the authorisation is not for regular transportation, the date the child is to be transported: Not applicable

  5. A description of the proposed pick-up location and destination: As described above in Table 1

  6. The means of transport: Walking and or Bus as described above in Table 1 

  7. The period during which the child is to be transported: 2024 calendar year

  8. The anticipated number of children likely to be transported: The “anticipated number” is the capacity of the bus and the meeting of the required staff/child ratio of 1:15 as described above in Table 1 

  9. The anticipated number of staff members and any other adults who will accompany and supervise the children during the transportation: As described above in Table 1 

  10. Any requirements for seat belts or safety restraints under a law of each jurisdiction in which the children are being transported: Walking and or bus where seatbelts are provided they will be worn in accordance with NSW RTA requirements 

  11. That a risk assessment has been prepared and is available at the education and care service: Located in the risk assessment folder at the service

  12. That written policies and procedures for transporting children are available at the education and care service: Located in the policies and procedures folder at the service

Parent 1 confirmation

Parent 1

Draw signature|Type signatureClear