Expression of Interest - Nirimba Fields OSHC 

Please complete the following in its entirety to confirm your expression of interest to enrol at Nirimba Fields OSHC.

Note: A parent or legal guardian, who is listed in the child's enrolment record, must complete this form.

Kids’ Early Learning an entirely Blacktown City Council-owned and operated child care service provider is in the process of having our license application for our new Willmot OSHC service located at Nirimiba Fields Public School assessed by the Department. 

We can therefore advise Nirimba Fields Public School families that Kids’ Early Learning expects we will be operating an outside school hours (OSHC) service from Term 1 2024. 

All interested families are encouraged to confirm their expression of interest via the Snapform found here. The information provided in this form will be assessed to ensure that the service can cater to your family's needs including your preferred days and start date, service resources, and availability. 

All families who submit this form will be contacted in mid-January 2024 and provided further information regarding enrolment next steps.

Privacy notice

We are collecting this information to process your request. We may not be able to do so without it. Supplying this information is governed by the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW).

We will store your personal information on our systems or in our office, where it will be used by our staff, contractors, Department of Education and Communities and Department of Human Services. Other people can request access to it under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. You can ask us to suppress your personal information from a public register and we will consider your request in line with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Our Privacy Management Plan sets out how you can access or correct your personal information. Please visit for a copy of the plan.


BCC or Council Blacktown City Council and/or its servants or agents operating the childcare service.

KEL Kids’ Early Learning

Parent The person signing this Agreement whether it be the natural parent, Court appointed Guardian or Foster Parent or the Department of Family and Community Services.

Parent 1 Is the parent or caregiver who is listed as Parent 1 on the enrolment form and who has applied for childcare subsidy on behalf of the child. The parent or caregiver is the person responsible for a child's care and the person who must pay child care fees. They may be the adult legally responsible for the child's care or their partner. In many cases, the parent or caregiver is the child's parent. However, the parent or caregiver may be another adult who is legally responsible for the day-to-day care, welfare and development of the child. They could be the partner of the child's parent, an adoptive or foster parent, a grandparent or other relative of the child. Only parent or caregiver are eligible for Child Care Subsidy or Additional Child Care Subsidy.

Service The child care service referred to above.


Completion of this form does not guarantee an enrolment at my preferred Kids' Early Learning Blacktown City service. Your child’s priority of access level, educational needs and any additional needs, will be assessed for enrolment suitability of your preferred service using the information provided in this expression of interest form to ensure that the service can cater for our family needs including your preferred days and start date, service resources and availability.

Please tick the box that applies to you and your child. *

Expression of interest details

Child Details

Parents Details

Parent 1

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